Improving the accuracy of depth maps generation in an active-pulse television measuring system using digital image filtering

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Authors: Tislenko A. A.

Annotation: A study was carried out to improve the accuracy of maps gen-eration for spatial depths in an active-pulse television measuring system built on the basis of an image intensifier, when pro-cessing the output images of the system with a Gaussian filter, a median filter and a 3D filter. A comparative assessment of the quality of the resulting images and an assessment of the range measurement were carried out. It is shown that the use of Gaussian filtering provides one of the highest efficiencies of noise suppression on images obtained by an active-pulse televi-sion measuring system built on the basis of an image intensifier, and thereby makes it possible to generate maps of spatial depths with the highest accuracy when using the result of finding the measuring functions using the approximation method. The achieved parameters of the system under consideration include the accuracy of constructing spatial depth maps, which is equal to 4.5 cm.

Keywords: filtering, image intensifier tube, noise component, signal-to-noise ratio, range measurement

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