Directional patterns of the acoustic antenna based on two spatially separated phased antenna arrays

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Authors: Krasnenko N. P., Rakov D. S., Rakov A. S.

Annotation: The article presents the results of research and development of the characteristics of the radiation patterns of acoustic antenna systems (linear arrays), consisting of two flat antenna arrays. Their special feature is a large distance between the elements. It is shown that in the near field zone, the directional pattern of the linear system is close to the array factor for the given system. In the far field zone, the directional pattern, in addition to the main lobe, has other (additional) diffraction lobes that depend on the distance and directional characteristics of the system elements. The total number of lobes in the directional pattern of the sys-tem has been found. To obtain an acceptable directivity pattern, it is necessary to choose the distance between the elements tak-ing into account the directivity patterns of its elements. The technical characteristics of the developed linear systems are given.

Keywords: antenna array, linear system, acoustics, directional characteristic, lateral radiation, sound pressure

Viktor N. Maslennikov

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