Assessment of Human Walking Parameters with Two Accelerometers

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Authors: Kataev M. Yu., Kataeva N. G., Chernov R. A.

Annotation: Movement is an integral part of a human activity. Maintaining human’s health or doing sports, for example, requires an accurate assessment of a person's physical activity, and especially the way the person moves (gait). The natural age-related changes or diseases cause a disfunction of the musculoskeletal system, and limits human movement. Traditionally, the medical diagnostics consists in examination of a person in a static position or with a minimum level of movement. This article proposes a solution to the problem of assessing the parameters of a person's walking using several accelerometers fixed on the human body. This solution allows obtaining correct data on a human limb movement in time and space. The authors believe that this approach can be used to diagnose the state of the human musculoskeletal system.

Keywords: sensor, accelerometer, human gait, technique

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