Algorithm and Software for Building Aggregated Rankings

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Authors: Razumnikov S. V.

Annotation: When deciding on the choice of any alternative, it is necessary to find out which of the considered options will be better. In this perspective it is important to establish the assessment criteria and to determine the scale. In this case, the attention should be paid to the non-compensatory nature of the values of the criteria. The method of threshold aggregation allows considering these nuances. Using it, one can build a ranking that will reflect the comparative importance of various alternatives for the enterprise. The use of this method will prevent from compensating the low scores of experts with other higher scores on other criteria. The article presents a noncompensatory aggregation model to compile rankings, which is based on the threshold aggregation rule. A diagram of the assessment stages for this model and an algorithm for the development of software «Compiling an Aggregated Ranking» are presented. This model was programmed in C # in the Visual Studio 2019 environment.

Keywords: threshold aggregation, model, algorithm, scheme, program, rating, criteria, alternatives, gradations

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