Sub-system for diagnostics of construction elements state of metallurgical sets as a part of ACS of manufacturing processes

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Authors: Koshelev A. E., Krivolapova L. I., Kravtsova O. A.

Annotation: An approach to improvement of systems for diagnostics of the technical state of construction elements of metallurgical sets is considered. A generalized structure of the technical diagnostics system, which includes a unit of structure analysis of the measured signals, is suggested. The given approach is considered in details for the diagnostic system of brick-lining residual thickness of blast-furnace and for flaw detection system of blowoff tuyere of out-of-furnace steel processing set.

Keywords: the technical diagnostic, the analysis of the measuring signals, wavelet-analyses, the furnace, the blast-furnace, the installation of the blowing of the steel by means of the inert gases, the index of the complexity

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