Developing students' competencies by interaction between the university and employers

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Authors: Isakov A. M., Isakova A. I., Korikov A. M.

Annotation: The issues of transition from a knowledge-based educational paradigm to an activity (competency) paradigm are discussed. Out of many challenges that education faces, the problems in engineering education and the ways to solve them are examined using examples of training engineers in computer science, computer technology (ICT) and information technology (IT). In this regard, the role of the employer in improving the quality of training in the field of ICT and IT is considered, being an important aspect of cooperation between the employer and the university. The case of interaction of the Department of Au-tomated Control Systems of TUSUR with employers is described. Some recommendations have been proposed for more efficient cooperation between the education system, industry, and real companies and research units.

Keywords: paradigm, competence, development of competencies, computer science, computer technology, employer, cooperation between university and company, universitycompany interaction scenarios

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