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Authors: Baykalova A. E., Semenov E. V.

Annotation: Quantitative information on the nonlinear scattering properties of probed objects at the impacts with signals close to baseband is presented, that will allow to make the requirements on trans-mitters and receivers of nonlinear baseband pulse radars. A prototype of a nonlinear baseband pulse radar using laboratory instruments has been developed. In the aperture of the antenna, it creates a pulsed field with an intensity of 35 W/m2 and at a front duration of 0,23 ns. The rings with a diameter of 6 сm made of copper wire with a cross section of 4 mm2 are used as sounding objects (a short-circuited ring as a linear object and a ring with the HSMS-8101 diode in its gap as a nonlinear ob-ject). The nonlinear radar cross section (NRCS) of a nonlinear object was 0,041 mm2, that fits into the typical range of NRCS for objects in a conventional (harmonic) nonlinear sounding.

Keywords: nonlinearity, radar, radar cross section, ultra-wideband sound-ing

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