Formation of Coatings Based on Al²O³ on Polypropylene by the Electron-Beam Method in the Forevacuum Pressure Region

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Authors: Chan V. T., Klimov A. S., Zenin A. A.

Annotation: The article presents the results of using an electron beam for evaporation and deposition of ceramic coatings on polypropylene. Ceramics based on Al²O³ was used as the evaporated material. To generate an electron beam, a forevacuum plasma electron source was used, the need for which is due to its high efficiency in the processing of dielectrics. It has been shown that when creating coatings by this method on materials with low heat resistance, it is necessary to accurately control the time and rate of evaporation of ceramics. The optimal modes of coating deposition were determined, under which the temperature of the polymer does not rise above 80 °C. Photographs of applied coatings, their optical and surface properties are presented.

Keywords: ceramic coatings, plasma treatment, polymer, electron beam, heating temperature

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