Overview of solutions used in commercial energy accounting systems for data / telemetry in heterogeneous communication systems

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Authors: Polyakov I. Yu., Klimenko A. N., Myakochin Yu. O., Zykov D. D., Shelupanov A. A.

Annotation: The article aims to review of the complex solutions for data passing in the energy source metering systems using a different data transfer channels. As a part of the study, the routing protocols used in hybrid PLC/RF technologies are investigated, and domestic market of producers using this technologies for developing of energy source commercial metering systems is analyzed. The result of the present research is an analytical review of the domestic market current commercial situation determined by energy-source metering systems and of the main technical solutions used for system developing. The analysis of the obtained information allowed the following conclusions: foreign technologies are used more often when developing energy source commercial metering systems; the most up-to-date solutions are inaccessible to Russian developers because of their proprietary limitations. Consequently, at the present day, the necessity to develop Russian solutions for such systems arises.

Keywords: system, network, rf, plc, communication, accounting, protocol, device, development, table, solution, standard, modem, electrical equipment

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