Current state of the data transmission problem in hetero- geneous communication systems

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Authors: Polyakov I. Yu., Klimenko A. N., Zykov D. D., Chebotaev P. V., Shelupanov A. A., Myakochin Yu. O.

Annotation: The article presents an investigation of heterogeneous communication systems which are based on simultaneous use of PLC and RF technologies. In the course of the work, have been identified the main problems that arise when using PLC and RF technologies, and the requirements for topology of such heterogeneous networks and for their robustness have been determined. Existent network routing protocols applicable to PLC/RF networks have been studied. Basing on obtained information the comparative analysis of the routing protocols has been fulfilled. The result of the present research is an analytical review of modern scientific, technical, regulatory and methodical literature in the area of heterogeneous communication system creation. With the reference to the analytical review the main requirements for arrangement of PLC/RF network have been formed and optimal routing protocol has been chosen.

Keywords: mesh, plc, rf, network, system, data, node, protocol, data transmission

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