Comparison of time responses of an asymmetric modal filter obtained in different ways

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Authors: Kenzhegulova Z. M., Surovtsev R. S., Hazhibekov R. R.

Annotation: The results of comparing the time responses at the end of the asymmetric MF obtained by different approaches are presented. For this purpose, time responses were obtained by analytical, quasi-static and electrodynamic approaches, as well as by measurements. When compared with the results of the quasistatic approach, almost complete coincidence of responses was revealed (within 2%). The maximum deviation when compared with the results of the electrodynamic approach was 8% in amplitude and 29% in the delay of the decomposition pulses. A comparison of the results obtained analytically and using measurements of the MF layout revealed deviations in amplitude of 21% for the first and 8.7% for the second pulses, respectively, and 2.2 and 3.9% for their delays.

Keywords: measurements, ultrashort pulse, modal filter, time response, analytical model

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