Model of the physical layer in the system of broadband wireless access with the space-time coding

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Authors: Vershinin A. S., Korotkov D. A., Voroshilin E. P.

Annotation: The paper presents a mathematical description of signals, channel distribution and algorithm of space-time coding system of wireless broadband access. Results of modeling systems use the technology MІMO (multiple input multiple output) mode to increase speed and coverage. The results presented in the article were obtained for the frequencies 2.4–2.7 GHz. To describe the MIMO-system, the model takes into account: multipath propagation channel, moving the mobile station relative to the base and reflective objects, the spatial arrangement of transmitting and receiving antennas, the offset frequency oscillators.

Keywords: radio propagation channel, the mathematical model the radio channel, technology mimo, the doppler frequency shift, the probability of bit error

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