Horn method of measurement of the electromagnetic response from flat samples in 26-37,5 GHz range with improved metrological characteristics

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Authors: Suslyaev V. I., Zhuravlev V. A., Korovin E. Yu., Zemlyanuhin Yu. P.

Annotation: The article describes a quasi-optical method for research of frequency dependences of the electromagnetic response and permittivity in a frequency band of 26–37.5 GHz. The usage of additional quasioptical elements raises reliability of received experimental results without loss of sensitivity of an experimental unit. By means of averaging of measurement results of the electromagnetic response in all working frequency band of the network analyzer, we can increase the accuracy of measurements and decrease operating time and labour inputs. The offered technique for result processing essentially raises the measurement accuracy of the electromagnetic response and the permittivity of sheet materials by the quasi-optical method when the analogue scalar network analyzer is used.

Keywords: quasi-optical method, electromagnetic response, permittivity, measurement accuracy

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