Cepstral signal processing in a passive single-position radio source location system

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Authors: Polyanskih P. A., Denisov V. P., Mescheryakov A. A.

Annotation: The possibility of using cepstral analysis for signal processing in a passive single-position radio source location system is investigated. The method is applied to the processing of direct and re-reflected signals from terrain elements on terrestrial propagation routes. The theory of the cepstral method and the results of numerical calculations for the case of several reflected signals are presented. The difficulties of using cepstrals for measuring delays when there are many reflected signals are analyzed. It is shown that in order to visually distinguish the reflected pulses, their amplitudes must significantly exceed the background due to scattering of the direct signal by elements of the surrounding terrain.

Keywords: reflections, terrain element, terrestrial propagation path, signal delay, processing

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