Management of geological and technical arrangements on oil-and-gas fields with the use of artificial neural networks

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Authors: Evsyutkin I. V., Markov N. G.

Annotation: The timely selection of the wells to carry out the geological and technical arrangements (GTAs) and the selection of definite GTAs for such wells are crucial tasks for oil-and-gas extraction companies. Nowadays, these tasks are solved mainly using the wide experience and intuition of the specialistgeologist. Moreover, the decision process demands serious time contributions from a specialist and does not exclude the incorrect results bound with a human factor. Therefore, the development and deployment of new intellectual methods of the geological and technological data analysis for the management of GTAs are aimed in the research. In the article, the authors propose to use deep feed-forward neural networks when solving GTAs management problems. The results of complex efficiency evaluation for such neuron networks, which showed the potential of this method of intellectual data analysis for the GTAs management, are described.

Keywords: geological and technical arrangements on oil-andgas fields, automation of the production, the intellectual analysis of data, artificial neural networks

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