Cloud strategy development planning based on multi-criteria optimization and STEM method

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Authors: Razumnikov S. V.

Annotation: After the introduction of cloud technologies in the enterprise, it is necessary to accompany it and generally manage the cloud IT-strategy. There is a need to make decisions on the development of the use of cloud IT-services in the enterprise. The article provides an example when developing a development plan for using cloud technologies in an enterprise is based on the developed model using optimization methods - multicriteria linear programming, as well as the STEM constraint method, which allows calculating the weight of criteria in the process of human-machine interaction. This model allows to define a cloud strategy development plan by optimiz-ing criteria related to the operation of cloud services. An ideal criteria assessment is provided to the decision maker. Based on the data presented, a compromise solution is deduced, which could be relevant in the context of cloud technologies development.

Keywords: cloud technologies, model, stem method, deci-sion making, multicriteria optimization, service, linear pro-gramming

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