The service area of passive ground-based radio monitoring multichannel system

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Authors: Vershinin A. S., Voroshilin E. P., Denisov V. P.

Annotation: Two methods of multichannel signal processing, which allow to increase the accuracy of time-of-arrival (TOA) determining, are considered. These two methods are modeled. The TOA total standard error is estimated. The radio-monitoring, passive system, range, microwave propagation, pulse signal, multi-channel signal processing, time-of arrival, TOA, estimation, modeling results, detection threshold, location, RF emitterservice area for passive ground-based radio monitoring multichannel system is calculated.

Keywords: radio-monitoring, passive system, range, microwave propagation, pulse signal, multi-channel signal processing, time-of arrival, toa, estimation, modeling results, detection threshold, location, rf emitter

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