Investigation of electrical parameters of unbladed rigid current contact jaws of ore-thermal furnaces

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Authors: Aliferov A. I., Bikeev R. A., Goreva L. P., Urbah E. K., Promzelev V. A.

Annotation: The new method of calculation of active and inductive resistance of unbladed bus-bars package of ore-thermal furnace is offered. The method is developed on a base of a research results regression analysis of dependence of pure resistance and inductive reactance of unbladed bus-bars packages on their geometrical sizes, a relative positioning and unblad variants. As the research tool a numerical modeling with application of the specialized software is used. Numeric simulation results have been compared with similar results given by the traditional method.

Keywords: an ore-thermal furnace, a rectangular bus-bars package and tubular bus-bars package, a pure resistance, a inductive reactance, a numerical modeling, the program complex ansys, a regression analysis

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